WhatsApp is preparing to roll out a video calling feature, according to a report from FoneArena. The beta v2.16.80 version of the instant messaging app for Android included a video calling option; although it was removed by a later update.
WhatsApp’s video call feature was first rumoured last year when screenshots of iOS version of the app leaked showing a basic video calling interface. This was followed by a translation request that included the term “video call”, suggesting that WhatsApp is close to rolling out the feature.
Multiple users have reported of getting the video call option with the recent beta version. Despite that, it looks to be in its final stage and could be rolled out gradually soon, just like the voice calling feature that was limited to some users initially.
WhatsApp is also reportedly testing a feature that allows group invites to be sent via links, QR codes and NFC tags.
(Source: FoneArena)
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