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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Meizu MX6 to be unveiled on July 19

June 20 came and went and still no Meizu MX6. The rumored launch date has been changed to July 19 now when a press conference in Beijing will take place.

The Meizu MX6 will trade places with the Pro line in terms of screen size. The Pro 5 was 5.7" and the MX5 was 5.5", now the Pro 6 is 5.2" while the MX6 is rumored to stay at 5.5".

It will be a 1080p screen with 2.5D glass on top with a Helio X20 chipset inside and two memory tiers - 3GB of RAM and 32GB storage and 4GB + 64GB. The camera setup will include a 20/7MP camera on the back and an 8MP camera on the front. The price is expected to be CNY 1,800 ($275/€240).

The MX6 is expected to have the same metal back as the Pro 6.

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