Kayako and Toshio are a lot more laid back when they’re not committing supernatural murder.
As anyone who has seen the Japanese horror movie Ju-On knows, Kayako andToshio, the vengeful spirits that haunt a cursed house in Tokyo, are terrifying. Their empty eyes, their blood-stained faces…it’s basically insta-nightmare fuel.
So to celebrate the upcoming release of the Japanese movie Sadako vs. Kayako (Sadako being the girl-monster from The Ring), what better way to show off Kayako and Toshio’s horror than by…showing some photos of them as a loving family?
▼ Just a mom and her son hanging out at the park on a sunny day.
Toshio, why don’t you go introduce yourself to some of the other kids?
And these aren’t some devoted cosplaying fans – they’re official photos to promote the film. We’re not exactly sure what the marketing team was thinking by showing off Kayako and Toshio in a cuter, more loving light, but we’re certainly not complaining.
▼ Mama Kayako making sure little Toshio is eating right…
▼ …and staying healthy with plenty of exercise.
▼ All that healthy living doesn’t mean the two of them can’t share a mother-son cookie every now and then though. D’aww.
▼ “Look at that house, Toshio! Maybe you can haunt a house like that someday when you grow up.”
▼ Enjoying a lazy Sunday at home with no guests that need murdering attending to.
▼ You’d have to be a monster not to enjoy a day of hanami.
▼ “No human souls until after you’ve finished your carrots, Toshio!”
▼ “Toshio, should I be worried? You’ve hardly grown at all these past…decades.”
▼ “Toshio hurry up or you’ll be late for school!”
▼ “Oh, you want mom to walk with you today? Well, maybe just this once….”
If you want to see the rest of the photos of the adorable mother-and-son pair, then check out the official Kayako with Toshio Instagram.
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